The Entrepreneur Category
Through the SINP Entrepreneur Program, you and your family can start, obtain or partner in a business in Saskatchewan and be actively involved in managing it, while residing in Saskatchewan.
The Entrepreneur Category Process
There are three steps to the nomination process:
- Expression of Interest (EOI) submission to the SINP;
- EOI Selection and Invitation to Submit an Application;
- Nomination.
Learn more about each steps.
The Expression of Interest (EOI)
The EOI is not an application; it is an expression of your interest in the SINP. Prospective immigrants will indicate their interest in operating a business and living in Saskatchewan by providing required information about their entrepreneurial experience, assets, and Business Establishment Plan (BEP), among other factors.
Candidates who meet the minimum entry criteria will be accepted into the EOI candidate pool.
Once submitted, EOIs are scored and ranked using the Points Grid.
We select EOI’s based on the EOI Points Assessment ranking and SINP nomination targets. Submitting an EOI does not guarantee selection for processing.
Before You Submit Your EOI
Note the following important information, before you submit your EOI:
- To submit an EOI to the SINP, you must:
- Meet the minimum entry criteria; and
- Complete the Points Assessment Grid in order to be scored once your EOI is in the pool of candidates.
- To meet the minimum entry criteria you must:
- Have $500,000 (CAD) at minimum in Net Business and Personal Assets;
- Have a minimum of three years of relevant business management or entrepreneurial experience gained in the past ten years; and,
- Intend to invest a minimum of $300,000 (CAD) in Regina and Saskatoon or a minimum of $200,000 (CAD) in all other Saskatchewan communities.
- We'll assess the information you provide in your EOI against the points grid to rank your EOI in the pool of candidates. Candidates are then selected from the EOI system based on their score, with top scoring EOIs being prioritized for selection. Selected candidates are invited to apply to the SINP.
- If you are invited to apply you must submit a Business Establishment Plan (BEP) that corresponds to the information in your EOI. Your BEP must include:
- Your plan to establish a business that aligns with the points assigned in the Entrepreneur Category Points Grid, if applicable (for investment amount and sector);
- Your ownership of at least one third (33 1/3 per cent) of the equity of a business in Saskatchewan, unless your total investment is $1 million CAD or higher;
- Your commitment to provide active and on-going participation in the day-to-day management and direction of the business; and
- The creation of two employment opportunities in Saskatchewan for Canadians or permanent residents who are not related to you.
- This only applies if you're establishing a new business in Regina or Saskatoon.
Please note that the SINP reserves the right to have Business Establishment Plans assessed by professional third parties identified by the Government of Saskatchewan. The assessment conducted by Third Parties will focus on the preparation and due diligence conducted by the applicant in preparing their proposed business plan.